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This vacancy is closed since 09 December 2022.

Medical Examinations Board – Ordinary Member

The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow was founded in 1599 by Royal Charter. It exists to promote the highest standards of medical care. The College plays an important role in the setting of standards in medicine through its educational and examinations programmes. The College offers a number of qualifications in medicine, surgery and dentistry, leading to fellowship and membership of the College which is the only one in the UK including physicians, surgeons and dentists. The number of Members and Fellows currently totals 15,000 throughout the world.

The external environment in which the organisation functions is diverse and dynamic with changes not only in the governance of medical education and assessment but also to charity legislation, all of which impacts on the governance of the College.

Applications for this post should be submitted in the first instance to Mrs E Mitchell, PA to CEO, 232-242 St Vincent Street, Glasgow G2 5RJ by Friday 09 December 2022. Applications should comprise a covering letter, outlining qualifications, personal qualities, suitability for this role and reason for wishing to undertake this role, together with a brief curriculum vitae. Interviews will be held in the College or remotely by agreement as soon as possible after the closing date.

The College welcomes applications from those who have the necessary attributes for the post.

09 December 2022

Clinical Vacancies

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