Top Tips For New Doctors – Dr Jey Selwyn
05 Aug 2020
Following our series on Tip Tips for New Doctors, one of our College Tutors and Consultant Physician at Forth Valley Royal Hospital, Dr Jey Selwyn gave his own top tips on becoming a doctor.
Today will see new doctors start their Foundation Year. As part of this, and following on from our series on Tip Tips for New Doctors, one of our College Tutors and Consultant Physician at Forth Valley Royal Hospital, Dr Jey Selwyn gave his own top tips on becoming a doctor.
Congratulations! You have joined the medical profession – the culmination of many long years of work and study. The transition from medical student to junior doctor should be seamless, but in reality, exercising your clinical judgment for the first time and bearing responsibility takes some getting used to.
This tip offers some practical and useful advice to help you to ‘hit the ground running’, to do the best for your patients and to derive maximum satisfaction from life as an FY1 – Doctor.
The art of diplomacy
As a junior doctor, a good deal of your time will be spent arranging investigations and asking senior colleagues to come and give opinions. Just like the world outside of medicine, people who pose such requests in a courteous and thoughtful manner are much more likely to achieve a favorable and/or prompt response. Tact, diplomacy and grace under pressure are attributes of the successful junior doctor. The practice of medicine has its moments of frustration, but if you can retain your sense of humour and your sense of proportion, your patients will benefit, and your job satisfaction will soar.
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