Positive changes to the format of the MRCP(UK) Part 2 written examination from 2018
03 Aug 2017
We are pleased to announce that the Part 2 written examination will move to a single day format from the beginning of 2018. The new examination will consist of two, three hour papers each with 100 questions.
This change, which has been approved by the GMC, will bring benefits to trainees and the health service, reducing the cost and time of releasing candidates to sit the examination.
Dr Chris Wilkinson, trainee representative on the AQMRC (academic quality management and research committee) said:
I am pleased that the examination burden to trainees is being reduced, without any reduction in the quality of the exam.
The dates of the examination in 2018 will be 27 March, 27 June and 24 October. The fee for the Part 2 written examination will remain the same as that for the Part 1 written examination. Advantages should include:
- Candidates will pay less for accommodation and travel to take the examination;
- Hospitals will benefit from increased service from trainees, who will be spending less time away sitting examinations;
- It will be easier to develop the examination further in the future.
Click here for more information.
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