MRCP(UK) and Specialty Certificate Examinations – 2013 fees
23 Oct 2012
The MRCP(UK) management board has agreed to restrain the next annual increase in fees for the MRCP(UK) Diploma examinations, to a level that is in line with inflation and to freeze the fees for the Specialty Certificate Examinations (SCEs).
After much deliberation, the MRCP(UK) management board has agreed to restrain the next annual increase in fees for the MRCP(UK) Diploma examinations, to a level that is in line with inflation and to freeze the fees for the Specialty Certificate Examinations (SCEs). We have consulted widely with trainees, the specialist societies and other stakeholders in taking this decision. The fee setting process starts in June and is based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 2.6% in the July of the preceding year. The new fees will apply to candidates sitting the Part 1 and 2 Written Exams, and PACES, with effect from January 2013.
Keeping costs under control is a priority for MRCP(UK) and will remain so. For example, in the past year we have made savings by relocating meetings outside of London.
However some delivery costs, such as exam venues and question paper printing, are rising despite our best efforts. We are also continuing to invest in initiatives to meet an urgent need for more opportunities to sit PACES, so that UK trainees can meet an increasingly tight NHS recruitment timetable. Finally, we are making longer-term investments to benefit all candidates, such as developing online applications and other technology to enhance the academic quality of the exams.
We recognise that UK trainees have been pressured by a pay freeze. We also understand that a larger increase would be difficult for some of our international candidates. Therefore, we are aiming to minimise the impact by keeping the 2013 fees as low as possible.
The Federation has pledged to do all it can to balance examination fees against expenditure. Freezing the fees for all candidates sitting the SCEs is affordable because the SCEs are taken by a much smaller pool of candidates than the Diploma exams.
Please be assured that we will continue our drive to provide a cost-effective service while maintaining the academic quality that underpins the professional value of your exams. We will continue to invest wisely in further improvements to the examinations and candidate services.
Read the full announcement on the MRCP(UK) Website.
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