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Guidance for the use of email in health and social care

24 Jan 2013

The PRSB (Professional Record Standards Body for health and social care) is a Community Interest Community owned by UK health and social care professional bodies and patient organisations.

The PRSB (Professional Record Standards Body for health and social care) is a Community Interest Community owned by UK health and social care professional bodies and patient organisations. We are in the process of developing guidance for the use of email in health and social care and would be grateful if you would take a few minutes to complete the attached survey.

The aim of the survey is to learn more about your current use of email, to discover any issues or barriers encountered and to highlight areas of good practice that could be incorporated into new guidance. The scope of the project is limited to areas where paper based postal communication is currently used and where email may be an alternative. We will also be surveying patients for their views.

To access the survey please visit:

Completion of the survey should take approximately 10 minutes and responses are anonymous. We would welcome engagement from a wide range of professional groups, particularly health and social care professionals, so please feel free to circulate this within your organisation/amongst colleagues or other interested parties. We also welcome separate responses from professional bodies on the issues raised in the survey.

This survey closes on the 5 October 2014.

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