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Eligibility Criteria to join the Faculty of Podiatric Medicine

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You are eligible!

Simply complete this application form, attach your CV and all supporting evidence, and include the names of two sponsors, one of whom should also provide a statement of support.

You may not be eligible

Please contact us to find out if you are eligible to apply.

You may still be eligible

Fellowship is offered to podiatrists who, in the opinion of the College have made substantial contributions to podiatric medicine, are senior members of the profession and whose works and attainments are, in the opinion of the Council, of such distinction as to justify election. Complete this application form to apply.

You may not be eligible

Existing Members of the Faculty are normally expected to have a minimum of four years’ consecutive membership before being considered for Fellowship. Please contact us to find out if you are eligible to apply for Fellowship.

You are eligible!

Simply complete this application form, attach your CV and all supporting evidence, and include the names of a sponsor, who should also provide a statement of support.


Experienced healthcare professionals, normally with a verifiable record of clinical practice in podiatric medicine and demonstrable research and educational experience, may apply for Membership of the Faculty of Podiatric Medicine.

Applicants must be registered by an appropriate regulatory body, for example the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) in the UK and provide verifiable evidence of the following:

  • A significant proportion of your work is centred on clinical practice in Podiatric Medicine
  • Your clinical practice is of a high standard e.g. clear demonstration of active and ongoing participation in continued professional development which informs clinical practice
  • You have undertaken recognised postgraduate education with evident integration within your current and future practice e.g. Postgraduate Certificate or Diploma in Biomechanics, Diabetes or Podiatric Sports Medicine
  • You contribute significantly to the standing of the profession e.g. demonstrating clinical leadership, involvement in student placement supervision, education or training delivery

Are you an ABPM diplomate?

Prospective members of the College who have completed recognised ABPM training pathways can apply for Membership and do not require sponsorship to do so. To do so, please email with your ABPM diplomate verification and a copy of your CV.

Apply now


Fellowship is a demonstration of commitment to the College and an acknowledgement of an individual’s contribution to podiatric medicine, its standards and practice.

Fellowship of the Faculty of Podiatric Medicine is offered to podiatrists and other registered health care practitioners, with a specific interest in the lower limb and foot who, in the opinion of the College:

  • can provide evidence of a recognised postgraduate education and clear demonstration of active and ongoing participation in continued professional development which informs clinical practice e.g. relevant MSc and/or PhD, Independent prescriber, Advanced Practice specific to specialism
  • have made substantial contributions to podiatric medicine this could include e.g. publications, contributions to academic writing, conference presentations
  • are senior members of their profession and whose works and attainments are, in the opinion of the Council, of such distinction as to justify election. In the UK, this would normally be evidenced by the award of the Fellowship of the College of Podiatric Medicine.

Podiatric surgeons who are interested in applying to join the Faculty will be expected to show evidence that:

  • they spend the majority of time working in non-surgical practice;
  • they have worked or are working in the field of advance podiatric medicine and
  • that they have or are making a significant, verifiable contribution to Podiatric Medicine

Existing Members of the Faculty are normally expected to have a minimum of four years’ consecutive membership before being considered for Fellowship.

Apply now

To apply please complete the online application form. Please ensure that you include your CV and evidence of your qualifications. You must also provide the contact details of two sponsors, one of whom should also provide a statement of support.

Ideally, your sponsors must both know you professionally and personally, and be in a position to truthfully declare if they are aware of any disciplinary or other issues that may affect your registration by the Health and Care Professionals Council.

Your sponsors must either be a Fellow of this College or a Fellow of the College of Podiatry (Medicine) in London, and must be able to vouch for the accuracy of the evidence you provide.

For further information, contact

Admission process for Fellows and Members

Applications for Membership and Fellowship are considered by the Fellowship Committee.

All successful applications will be required to pay both an admission fee (currently £240 for Fellows and £180 for Members) and an annual subscription fee. They will be invited to attend a formal admission ceremony followed by an informal evening of food, drink and music, hosted by the College President.

Following admission to College, Fellows are entitled to use the post-nominals MFPM RCPS(Glasg)/FFPM RCPS(Glasg). This post-nominal must always be used in full.

There are discounts on subscription available for those working less than full time, on parental leave, retired, or in other special circumstances.

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