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Santanu Chatterjee

Image of Santanu Chatterjee








Dr Chatterjee is in practice for the last 30 years in travel and tropical medicine. Currently he is a Visiting Lecturer at the KPC Medical College and Hospital in Kolkata and International Advisor to the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow in Travel Medicine.

An invited Speaker on ‘The Impact of Travel on Host Countries’ at the Commonwealth Partnership in Medicine Conference – Edinburgh in October 1997, he is on the International Medical Advisory Board of IAMAT (Canada) and the Past President of the Asia-Pacific Travel Health Society ( 2006-2008). He is Past Counselor of the International Society of Travel Medicine (1999-2003), ex-Chair of the Host Country Committee ISTM (1999-2006) ) when he was instrumental in drafting the Responsible Traveller document of the ISTM, Regional Editor NewShare (2001-2009 ), member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Travel Medicine and member of the External Review Group of International Travel and Health (WHO).

In March 2008, he was admitted as a Fellow of the Faculty of Travel Medicine (FFTM RCPS) at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons in Glasgow and subsequently elected both as a Fellow of the Australasian College of Tropical Medicine (FACTM) in February 2011 and as Fellow of the International Society of Travel Medicine ( FISTM ) in June 2019.

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