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International Membership

International Surgeons

Our College supports more than fourteen thousand members dedicated to achieving excellence in patient care by helping to reduce the cost of education and training.

Members from outside the UK are welcome to join our College. International Members benefit from a discounted annual subscription fee, use of the internationally recognised post-nominal, eLearning and personal funding opportunities.

Eligibility Criteria


To become a Surgical Fellow at the College, please pass either an Intercollegiate Specialty Fellowship Examination (JCIE or JCSFE) or the FRCS Ophthalmology Fellowship Exam from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow. You can find out more information regarding these exams here. To join please send evidence of your exam pass to and we will assist further.


This is a table outlining the eligibility for Membership of the Faculty of Surgeons.

Examination Pass Postnominal Sponsor requirement
Intercollegiate MRCS exam MRCS(Glasg) 0
I have not passed the MRCS intercollegiate exam, I practice out with the UK as a specialist trainee and have a recognised international postgraduate qualification MRCPS(Glasg) 2 sponsors (1 must be Glasgow Fellow)
I have not passed the MRCS intercollegiate exam and I practice in the UK N/A Please arrange to sit the relevant Membership exam as listed above.

Internationally recognised postnominals

MRCS(Glasg) is a GMC acceptable post graduate qualification.

MRCPS(Glasg) is not a GMC acceptable postgraduate qualification.

For full advice on any matters pertaining to GMC registration – please contact them directly.

To be eligible to use a Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow postnominal, you must retain your membership.


Sponsors must be Fellows in good standing of the Glasgow College or another UK/Irish Medical or Surgical Royal College (where applicable). If you are unable to provide sponsor(s) who are current Fellows of this College, please refer to our regional and international advisors who may be able to assist.

To help ensure your application process goes as smoothly as possible, please ensure you review the application checklist. Don't hesitate to contact the Membership Team with any enquiries.

Join Us as a Member

Click on the links below to see details on opportunities, resources and benefits for International Members. If you would like to view the full range of membership benefits please click here.

One should be a thorough professional, a researcher and a scholar. Patients benefit from innovative ideas and novel diagnostic applications in the field of medicine.

Jayaprakash Shetty

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