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Becoming a Member of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow provides a range of opportunities and resources to support your career progression through core and specialty training and beyond. We also offer the lowest Royal College surgical Membership fees in the UK – more than 50% lower than Edinburgh and England.

After you apply to sit your MRCS Part B OSCE* with us you will be given a discount on our Part B OSCE preparation course and free Affiliate membership of the College while you work towards your exam. Candidates who apply for both the Part B exam and the preparation course will have no Membership subscription fees to pay for up to 12 months after successful completion of the exam.

MRCS Part B exam candidates can access:

  • Free Affiliate membership (save £36)
  • MRCS Part B OSCE preparation course (save up to £80)
  • No Membership subscription fees for up to 12 months after passing MRCS (save up to £87)

Total saving up to £203

*Candidates must have their place confirmed on the exam in Glasgow to take advantage of these savings.

How to Apply

View available MRCS Part B OSCE exam dates. If you have any questions about the exam, please contact our Examinations team.

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Affiliate membership for dental trainees

Affiliate membership for surgeons trainees

MRCS part B OSCE Exam


Membership for specialty trainees

Membership for specialty trainees

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Supporting your career

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