Physicians Career Journey
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Medical degree
Medical school performance accounts for a maximum of 43/100 points towards Foundation Training application.
Foundation Training
A two-year workplace-based training programme that bridges the gap between medical school and specialist or GP training.
Foundation Programme Certificate of Completion (FPCC) awarded on successful completion of F2 > required for application to Internal Medicine, Specialty and General Practice training.
Internal Medicine Training
A three-year training post completed after Foundation Training for the main specialties supporting acute hospital care. An indicative 12 months of further internal medicine training will be integrated flexibly with specialty training in a dual programme. Detailed information at
Group 1 specialties are the main specialties supporting acute hospital care and the majority of training opportunities are in these specialties. Trainees will recruit into ST4 following three years of IMT.
Internal Medicine Training
Group 2 specialties are those that deliver non-acute, primarily outpatient-based services and will not dual train in internal medicine. These specialties will normally completed two years of IMT before recruiting into ST3.
Further information is available at
Specialty Training
30 different medical specialties and 3 sub-specialties. Training information on each specialty including the latest curriculum, ARCP decision aids and guidance can be found on each of the specialty pages. information is available at
Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) assesses trainee’s progress through their training programme.
Application to Foundation Training
Points-based application process where highest scoring applicants allocated available spaces. Points are awarded for medical school performance (43/100), SJT score (50/100), additional degrees (5/100), and publications (2/100). Application process and guidance at .
Situational judgement test
Situational judgement test is normally completed during the final year of medical school. The result accounts for a maximum of 50/100 points towards Foundation Training application.
Application to Internal Medicine Training
Points-based application process where applicants are required to provide evidence of competencies, achievements, experience, and committment. Application process and guidance at
MRCP Part 1
Entry level examination available to doctors with a minimum of 12 months’ postgraduate experience in medical employment. The exam covers a broad range of topics to ensure the level of knowledge is appropriate to physicians at the beginning of postgraduate training. Further information available here.
More information
Medical degree
Medical school performance accounts for a maximum of 43/100 points towards Foundation Training application.
Foundation Training
A two-year workplace-based training programme that bridges the gap between medical school and specialist or GP training.
Foundation Programme Certificate of Completion (FPCC) awarded on successful completion of F2 > required for application to Internal Medicine, Specialty and General Practice training.
Internal Medicine Training
A three-year training post completed after Foundation Training for the main specialties supporting acute hospital care. An indicative 12 months of further internal medicine training will be integrated flexibly with specialty training in a dual programme. Detailed information at
Group 1 specialties are the main specialties supporting acute hospital care and the majority of training opportunities are in these specialties. Trainees will recruit into ST4 following three years of IMT.
Specialty Training
30 different medical specialties and 3 sub-specialties. Training information on each specialty including the latest curriculum, ARCP decision aids and guidance can be found on each of the specialty pages. information is available at
Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) assesses trainee’s progress through their training programme.
Application to Foundation Training
Points-based application process where highest scoring applicants allocated available spaces. Points are awarded for medical school performance (43/100), SJT score (50/100), additional degrees (5/100), and publications (2/100). Application process and guidance at .
Situational judgement test
Situational judgement test is normally completed during the final year of medical school. The result accounts for a maximum of 50/100 points towards Foundation Training application.
Application to Internal Medicine Training
Points-based application process where applicants are required to provide evidence of competencies, achievements, experience, and committment. Application process and guidance at
MRCP PACES required for entry to Specialty Training.
MRCP Part 1
Entry level examination available to doctors with a minimum of 12 months’ postgraduate experience in medical employment. The exam covers a broad range of topics to ensure the level of knowledge is appropriate to physicians at the beginning of postgraduate training. Further information available here.
MRCP Part 2 Written
Two three-hour papers with 100 questions each, this exam tests the ability to apply clinical understanding, make clinical judgements and take responsibility in clinical practice. Further information available here.
SCE Completed
Specialty Certificate Examinations (SCE) completed near end of training.
Click here for further information about these exams.
CCT Completed
Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) required for consultant appointment.