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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

We are committed to standing up for equality, diversity and inclusion (ED&I). We are committed to creating and supporting a culture which actively values difference, recognising that people from a variety of backgrounds and experiences bring valuable insights to the workplace, including the NHS, and enhance the way we work and operate. We have called for action to address ED&I issues in the health service, and have created an internal programme to improve and enhance our equality, diversity and inclusivity. This programme of activity includes the creation of an Inclusion Advisory Group, policy development and leadership programmes.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Complaints Process

Concerns or complaints about, or reports of, discriminatory behaviour or harassment will be treated through the College’s Code of Conduct. Any such matters should be raised as soon as possible and sent to

To maintain confidentiality, this email box is monitored only by the PA to the CEO and the HR Manager. The person raising the concern or complaint will receive an automatic response confirming receipt.

The concern or complaint will be reviewed by the CEO or the Deputy CEO. If the concern or complaint is about the CEO, the person raising the matter should request that it is referred directly to the President.

The concern or complaint will be fully investigated and a written response with an update will be provided within two working weeks.

Once the concern or complaint has been investigated and a response given, if the person who raised the concern/complaint is not happy with the response, they have the right to appeal against the decision. Any appeal should be within seven days of the receipt of the outcome and sent to All appeals will be dealt with by the President, however if the concern or complaint was about the President, any appeal will be dealt with by the CEO and another Trustee.

To ensure confidentiality the matter will not be discussed with anyone not involved in the investigation. The person who raised the complaint will be informed of the investigation process, including the people who may have to be interviewed and will be given the opportunity to explain their concern or complaint in more detail. Throughout the process, the College will ensure it complies with the requirement of General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

Once the investigation is complete, if the person conducting the investigation does not uphold the concern / complaint, no further action will be taken. However, if the decision it to uphold the concern / complaint the matter will be dealt with through the Code of Conduct.

If, after the investigation is complete, it is found that the claim is false or malicious, action may be taken against the person who raised the complaint.

Concerns or complaints about, or reports of, discriminatory behaviour or harassment will be treated through the College’s Code of Conduct. Any such matters should be raised as soon as possible and sent to

Key priority areas

Workforce Recovery and Transformation
Climate Change and Sustainability
Health Inequalities

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